03 September 2006

I Blame Charles Shaw

This is mostly conjecture, but I can ALMOST guarantee that half of the people on the road in Los Angeles at night on the weekend are
in fact
or intoxicated.
I can also, with the same assuredness, guarantee that one quarter of the people on the highways and surface streets of the City of Angels on the week nights are

Those are drinking and driving angels. Oh yes. Los Angeles, with your sketchy public transit and your utter dependence on gasoline, you have made these people drive. drunk.
Let me say there are a LOT of accidents in LA. A ton. Almost everyone has major or minor body damage on their automobile. But, no matter what the rate of DUIs or DWIs, it will never come CLOSE to those individuals driving, always, under the influence of something.

What are they going to do, get a cab?
NOT drink?
NOT drive?

I do not condone driving while intoxicated. However. Everyone has done it. BE HONEST.

Los Angeles is breeding a unique race of humans who can drive under every influence! Not only can we drive during the day, influenced by complete RAGE, unabashed VIOLENCE towards humanity, stress, etc-- we can drive tipsy, high, drunk, and damned.

I just drove home from a friend's house. We made dinner. We had wine. We had more wine. I left feeling GREAT. I had a conversation with my dear friend in New York while driving home, we discussed current events and future endeavors. It was a delightful evening.
I returned home to find I could barely type an email without typos. It has taken me no less than five tries to write every sentence in this article! Yet, driving home... I was fine. I was fiiiiiiine. I was driving, stopping, going, turning, as normally as everyone else. (I can only presume they were drunk too.) I even passed a police car. No problem. Parked in my ungodly close spot in back, got home without a scratch.

Last night. I drank but two drinks at a party and at 1:30 I said, ok time to jet. I walked a few blocks to my car and drove across town. Not a care, or collision. Both tonight and last night, had I been pulled over, I would have been severely punished under law for my state while driving. I could have killed someone I guess. But Los Angeles. It's those Angels...! and...Practice!

I used to spend two hours, or more, every day, in my car driving from Burbank to Culver City. Do that for four months straight, your car is truly an extension of yourself. I was driving home tonight, talking on my phone, three glasses of wine the worse, and it was like breathing. Absolutely automatic.

I'm not saying it's right or good or definite. But Los Angeles, by nature of the landscape and transit system, not to mention the film and fashion and music and advertising industries,... we are breeding
we are

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