21 September 2007

Who Killed... Britney Spears?

I saw the comparison between Britney Spears and Michael Jackson while reading my online* news this morning, and while it was factually impressive, it was a little too obvious for me. I prefer this more subtle and obscure link between two corrupted and troubled youths...
1. Both Britney Spears and Laura Palmer were once innocent young girls, loved by their communities.
2. Both women underwent an enormous change of morals, one being more public and media-driven, and the other being much more fictitious in nature. These downfalls both included drugs, embarrassing boyfriends, and stupid dancing.
3. In the end, Britney Spears was not found dead on a river bank "wrapped in plastic", but she was found on stage at the VMA's in a sorry state. The gap between the crimes of "homicide" and "boredom" seemed to narrow all too quickly in the case of Laura vs. Britney.
4. If you look closely at the photos above, you will notice that both women are smiling with their head tilted ever so slightly to their right shoulder. This is, of course, what clued me in to their remarkable similarities.
5. Just like Laura Palmer, I fear this turn from pretty bad to even worse is only the beginning of Britney's story....
*note: this is me passively venting frustration at my poorly performing shower radio now hanging from my rearview mirror. Thus, static-filled NPR and online news instead.


dark bear grins said...
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your friend ashley said...

i love the idea of your sporting a hanging shower radio from your goddamn rearview mirror. oh god carol, when will this ghetto-fabulous lifestly end???? probably not soon! i owe you some paper. put some confidence in a bottle and mail it my way.